BFC Welcomes You! - BFC (Family) Believing Faithfully In Christ

"Sharing the "Good News"  The Gospel of our Lord, Yeshua (Jesus Christ) The Messiah!"

Fellowship Ministries!
BFC (Family) Believing Faithfully In Christ
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BFC (Family) Believing Faithfully In Christ!
BFC (Family) Believing Faithfully In Christ
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(267) 961-3181 

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Welcome To BFC (Family) Believing Faithfully In Christ Ministries!
"Connecting and Bonding for God's Glory and His Kingdom Come!"
"One simple act of kindness is by lending a Helping Hand!" ~Galatians 5:22-23
"Enjoy Weekly Community Fellowship Events Through The Lord, Jesus Christ ~ COME & JOIN US!"

We're so glad you've finally reached us!

We are excited to extend our warmest welcome to you, as part of the BFC (Family) - Believing Faithfully In Christ. We believe that every person God calls is a valuable member of His family, and we are dedicated to creating a space where you can feel accepted, supported, and encouraged in your faith journey following Jesus.  Whether you are new to the area or have been searching for a community that shares your passion for Christ, we invite you to join us.  At BFC, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where you can grow spiritually, build meaningful relationships, and discover your purpose in Christ.

For almost 30 years, we have been serving in Horsham, Pennsylvania and have been serving, by faith, through The Lord Jesus Christ in the Ministry of Hospitality while connecting with others, as "family".   We have witnessed countless moments of joy, laughter, and growth as we welcomed individuals and families to our home. It has been a true blessing to see relationships form, bonds strengthen, and lives transformed through the power of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) The King!  

As you navigate through our website, you'll find valuable information about our various ministries, upcoming events, and ways to get involved. We hope that you will find everything you need to feel connected and informed.

Welcome again to BFC (Family) - Believing Faithfully In Christ, where faith is lived out, relationships are cherished, and lives are transformed, and we look forward to meeting you!

Make An Appointment - Informal/Formal Counseling ~ Click!
Helping Hands Ministry "Those In Need!" ~ Click!
Helping Hands (those in need) is a ministry dedicated towards helping those in need who are truly feeling the impact of the economic financial strain in our country throughout our communities and into our homes with families. BFC (Family) Helping Hand's aim is to glorify God by serving the poor and needy.
What Ministries Do We Offer?

    BFC Movie Ministry Events, Women's Bible Study & Fellowship, Learning "How-To-Do" Workshops, and other  Fellowship Ministries to name a few ... i.e., exploring God's Creation Up Close and Personal (while nature walking together), Joyful Gatherings: Prayer Request Time, Psalm Readings and Singing Praises, while establishing Godly-Friendships and Family-Like Relationships.   

Choose which ministry you'd like to participate!   
(Click on a ministry below to get you started!)
A Women's Bible Study & Fellowship
Movie Ministry & Fellowship
BFC Movie Ministry & Fellowship
Learning Skills Center
The Learning Skills Center at BFC (Family)

   Why would we want to fellowship with you??

God So LOVED YOU and US! according to His Good News and for His Kingdom Glory!  

(Click the above link for a Bible reading!)

   We have warmly welcomed many people to our home (and continue-to-date) whenever there are those who are in need of ministry, support, and friendship prompted by The Holy Spirit, we serve.

"We look forward to meeting together with you for a Refreshingly Joyful
Fellowship Time in The Lord, Jesus Christ!"
~ We Meet Weekly!

   Checkout Our News Board Below:

  "Come, Let's Glorify The Name of Our Lord, Yeshua (Jesus Christ) Together!"

"Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the Glory of God". ~NKJV

Let's be a blessing to someone and give today. Remember those who are truly facing many hardships from the sting of an economic inflation impacting community after community. Your gift contribution really does matter and will help many of those in need. For the Glory of God, let's do our part and help someone.

Share with others your experiences with us:  Let's encourage each other to follow (Yeshua) Jesus Christ!

5.0 / 5
6 reviews

Victoria H. Hart ฅʕ •ﻌ• ʔฅ
Tuesday 16 Jan 2024
If you're looking for a warm and uplifting experience, this is the place to be. I love being able to connect with fellow Christians I've often never met before, and yet, by the time we come out of the after-film discussion part of this ministry, I feel a sense of gaining new brothers/sisters in Christ. It's also amazing how compact this little theater is! A lot of effort was put into lights, decorations, concessions, etc. Very clean and authentic. This really gives me something to look forward to on Sunday nights 🙏
Eshay Olene
Monday 08 Jan 2024
Wonderful Family after Yeshua's own heart, kind, loving, giving and honest! I am Blessed to be blessed by them!
Tuesday 01 Aug 2023
Hi Lenora. It was very nice meeting you tonight. Thank you for having us over at your wonderful home theater. The movie was so encouraging. Throughout the movie God was asking me "Do you believe?" and challenging me "What would you do?" and in real life "What are you going to do now?" Looking forward to seeing you again. God bless you and your family through your ministry! ❤️Yoshiko😊
Tuesday 01 Aug 2023
10:40 PM
The BFC movie was an awesome event. It feels like you are in a large movie theatre. The best part is the couple’s hospitality. Would absolutely recommend this to anyone and everyone.
Tuesday 01 Aug 2023
Hello Lenora!!! It was such a pleasure to meet you!!! You have such a heavenly anointing in the movie ministry. My spirit was filled with joy being in an atmosphere so filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory for your dedication to encouragement of the brethren. Please send my love to your husband and daughter. I look forward to fellowship with you all again soon. May the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ bless you at all.times. Angela : )
Tuesday 01 Aug 2023
Happy sabbath to you all out there great is God who is LOVE.
Am truly blessed to apart of this movie ministry that is impactful
with real life events and people around the world and God can take
and used the most unlikely person or people and impact there life"s so powerfully and SUPERNATURALLY that will glorify Him and bless us.
Life's are change in ripples/domino effect and so you come away with a life changing moment and realization that we all need God no matter who you are
or where you are in life but more importantly is the fact that He truly loves us and want the best for us.So get started register and come on out and experience God moving in life's and creating change for the better with love and fellowship no judging.
Its a wonderful ministry that's all about our Lord and savior JESUS CHRIST.

Help & Services:  (267) 961-3181
©Copyright BFC Family- Believing Faithfully in-Christ '2023-ALL Rights Reserved!
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